Matt Nagle at the Tacoma Weekly wrote a smart cover story about the transition. It’s a good read, though I might have titled it, “Planes Trains and Automobiles.”
Life Quotes
One of my rules is to not read about myself. I broke the rule for this article. People suggested I post it and another one of my rules is to not post anything I have not read. So rules were in conflict. This happens. I improvise.
Pablo Picasso said, “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” You can justify a lot of liberties with that line.
Among the things I like in the article are the quotes, including one from playwright Tom Stoppard. “Every exit is an entrance someplace else.” Other favorite quotes include advice and observations from Marcus Aurelius and Steve Jobs.
The story is another example of why weekly papers are surviving as dailies are dying. There’s a market for stories without contrived drama, hysterical headlines, and fictionalized “news,” aka tabloid journalism. That said, we might as well accept the tabloid tone of our times and keep in mind it’s all just entertainment.
Lion Air Update
The article covers our lawsuits against Boeing in the crash of Lion Air Flight JT 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302. Both crashes were due to defects in the new Boeing 737 Max 8 plane.
You can read more about it in the blog of my lawyer website, including a previous post, “Global Safety.“
I also discussed the Lion Air crash with 60 Minutes Australia, Q13 Fox News, Yahoo Finance, and other sources. There is international interest. The safety of everyone who flies on Boeing airplanes is at stake.
Jakarta to Chicago to Denver
As I told Matt, I’m blessed. In my career as a lawyer, I’ve had numerous opportunities to vigorusly advocate for people on cases of concern to the community. It’s cool to simultaneously help individuals and make everyone safer.
So far this year, I’ve spent more than three months in Indonesia. I’ve grown fond of the country and the people.
I have also been in Chicago for federal court hearings and to mediate with Boeing. I like Chicago, lots of energy. Also, my new gig took me to Denver. They preserved and restored some beautiful old brick buildings. Charles Herrmann and I played a rollicking game of shuffleboard in Union Station.
Book and Movie Recommendations
Back in the Northwest, two of my good friends had movie premieres in a one week period. Garth Stein’s bestselling novel, The Art of Racing in the Rain, is in theaters now. So is Where’d You Go Bernadette, a movie starring Cate Blanchett, based on the bestselling novel by Maria Semple.
Some of you were smart and supportive enough to snag copies signed by Maria and Garth at my campaign fundraisers, thank you. The movies are not as good as the books, but see them anyway. Support local artists. This is a good policy even when they have already sold boatloads of books.
Sloane made her red carpet movie premiere debut wearing a gray and pink dress, purple eyeglasses, and black Beatle boots. She was also featured in Matt’s Tacoma Weekly article. She turned nine in August. You can see birthday pictures on my Instagram, which is my main social media these days.
One final movie recommendation for this month: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Quentin Tarantino, the world’s most accomplished cinema geek, nails period details, bends and blends genres, and entertains you every second of the two-hour-and-forty-five-minute film.
I found the buddy story between Brat Pitt and Leonardo DeCaprio to be particularly engaging. Australian actress Margot Robbie makes the most of her supporting role as Sharon Tate. And, like other Tarantino movies, the script is chock-full of quotable lines.
“You know, you’re kind of pretty for a stuntman.”
Thanks for reading.